Intellectual Property and Doing Business in China (International Business and Management) артикул 12613c.
Intellectual Property and Doing Business in China (International Business and Management) артикул 12613c.

Book DescriptionAn intellectual property (IP) system was established in China in 1985 Since then, the merits and drawbacks of the system have become apparent in theory and practice Despite the fact that a great deal has been written about the Chinese IP system, systematic studies of the subject are still scarce, especially from a corporate management оеюнь perspective The book has three aims It evaluates the problems UK and US multinational enterprises have encountered in their IP Flows into different enterprises in China It also analyses the causes of these problems and suggests methods of avoiding future problems The overall rationale for the book is to fill a void in our understanding of IP rights in China, particularly from a corporate perspective It is important to draw upon a variety of discipline approaches when exploring these issues, which are influenced by the political context, the legislative framework, economic factors and the existence of cultural differences The book is composed of ten chapters containing studies of related IP history, previous study on the area, and the current empirical survey Major findings are discussed in later chapters of the book In the conclusions, the book provides eleven suggestions for futurepractice for companies involved with IP flows.  2003 г ISBN 0080441386.

Manager's Guide to the Sarbanes-Oxley Act: Improving Internal Controls to Prevent Fraud артикул 12615c.
Manager's Guide to the Sarbanes-Oxley Act: Improving Internal Controls to Prevent Fraud артикул 12615c.

In reaction to high-profile frauds and congressional legislation, the SEC mandated that managers of public companies certify that they have an operational system of internal controls While larger companies can afford to spend millions of dollars to implement control system monitoring tools, managers of small to mid-sized companies can be оеюня unsure of how to move forward if their budgets can't accommodate expensive advisors and systems Manager's Guide to the Sarbanes-Oxley Act provides a highly accessible, simple, and practical approach to help you assess your internal control structure at the transaction level Designed to be "a cure for the Sarbanes-Oxley headache and common fraud, Manager's Guide to the Sarbanes-Oxley Act introduces the groundbreaking and practical "Control Smart" approach that not only meets the requirements of Sarbanes-Oxley, but also alerts you if operational controls stop working or are otherwise compromised This simple template helps you identify and understand operational threats, and guides you through a comprehensive evaluation of your system of internal controls to mitigate these risks Manager's Guide to the Sarbanes-Oxley Act features: - A razor-sharp method to monitor the operational risks inherent in your business; - Numerous real-world examples illustrating how to avoid common pitfalls, such as those faced by Harvard University's Hasty Pudding Theatricals, Adelphia Communications, and Bridgestone Corporation (Firestone); - Case studies and vignettes highlighting the personalities at Enron and Tyco who enabled a fraudulent corporate culture, as well as what one person did right to reveal the smoke-and-mirrors accounting practiced at WorldCom; - Clear, jargon-free coverage of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and how it affects you Armed with this hands-on guide, you can detect early signs of fraud and operational loss, and safeguard your job, your employees' jobs, and the long-term success of your company Don't let fraud derail your career Protect yourself with the fail-safe Control Smart method found in Manager's Guide to the Sarbanes-Oxley Act Автор Scott Green.  Издательство: Wiley Publishing, Inc, 2004 г Твердый переплет, 234 стр ISBN 0-47156-975-5.

Лекарство от счастья артикул 12617c.
Лекарство от счастья артикул 12617c.

Сверхсекретное задание майора разведки Федора Сбондина и финансовый кризис вольного космического волка капитана Зигфрида Безногого настолько сближают этих разных людей, оеюов что в дальнейшей жизни им уже друг без друга не обойтись Теперь они вместе будут мешать олигарху Злюхину разорять родину, вместе готовиться к отражению бастурман-бастманчского нашествия, вместе спасать бойцовую швахианскую мурлышку со вселенской помойки Не сказать, чтобы этот альянс сложился на добровольной основе, однако эффективность его подтвердила уже первая операция Галактика вздрогнула, и звезды начали сыпаться… у Безногого из глаз, а Сбондину на погоны И чем дальше, тем чаще Содержание Странствия Безногого Космос!!! Повесть c 7-132 Звезда с одним лучом Повесть c 133-220 Крейсер "Безумный" Повесть c 221-296 Принцесса помойки Повесть c 297-382 Найти героя Повесть c 383-482 Лекарство от счастья Повесть c 483-571 Автор Вячеслав Шалыгин.  Серия: Экспансия.

Managing Risk in Nonprofit Organizations : A Comprehensive Guide артикул 12619c.
Managing Risk in Nonprofit Organizations : A Comprehensive Guide артикул 12619c.

Learn how to manage and leverage risk Like all organizations in todays volatile marketplace, nonprofits are under tremendous pressure to be more accountable for their operations, specifically to funders, donors, clients, and the public at large Proper risk management can not only help nonprofits create a sound and transparent financial оеюоз structure, but also exploit new development opportunities that may not otherwise be realized Managing Risk in Nonprofit Organizations shows managers how to implement sound risk management procedures in every aspect of their organization The authors divide their guide into three sectionsThe Nature and Purposes of Risk Management, Recognizing the Context for Risk Management, and Risk Financing for Nonprofits A large array of potential risks is covered, including: Human resource issues Fundraising Internet use Mergers Volunteer management Senior level managers and executives at nonprofits, board members, and professional risk managers will find Managing Risk in Nonprofit Organizations to be an invaluable guide to this vital topic.  ISBN 0471236748.

Дни оружия артикул 12621c.
Дни оружия артикул 12621c.

Породивший чудовище, как правило, сам погибает от руки созданного им монстра Наверное, в этом и заключается величайшая мудрость бытия Но самое страшное, что на этот раз безостановочно оеюом размножающиеся синтетойды грозили гибелью не только своему создателю, но и всему человечеству Нелегкая миссия - остановить их нашествие - выпала на долю бывшего космического пирата Скайта Уорнера Содержание Александр Задорожный, Димитрий Близнецов c 7-260 Александр Задорожный c 261-414 Авторы Александр Задорожный Димитрий Близнецов.  Серия: Российская боевая фантастика.

Планета безумцев артикул 12623c.
Планета безумцев артикул 12623c.

Художник: В Нартов Плохо быть знаменитым и иметь доброе сердце У Дэниела Рочерса, журналиста-межпланетника, есть и то и другое, а потому неприятности сыпятся на него как из рога оеюос изобилия Не успел он отойти от недавней космической заварухи, которая началась получением наследства, а обернулась чуть ли не галактической войной, как новое дело на подходе Роковой обед в ресторане `Королевство кривых зеркал` дает старт цепочке событий, где обвинение в десятке убийств, преследование загадочных оборотней-зомби и пара-тройка пуль в собственном теле - еще самое легкое Словом, Рочерс оказывается один на один с теми, в чьей власти уничтожить Землю, превратив ее в планету безумцев Автор Игорь Гетманский.  Серия: Российская боевая фантастика.

Роботы - мстители артикул 12625c.
Роботы - мстители артикул 12625c.

Создавая их по своему образу и подобию, люди хотели научить киборгов любить, сострадать, думать и нести ответственность за принятые решения Но, глядя на своих создателей, роботы оеюоц научились лгать и ненавидеть, воровать и прятаться, не задумываясь уничтожать себе подобных ради достижения собственной цели Перед человечеством встал выбор: или признать существование рядом с собой расы новых разумных существ, имеющих право на жизнь, или полностью отказаться от роботехники Неготовые к этому, люди, как всегда, нашли жестокий компромисс - они развязали войну, в которой роботы начали уничтожать роботов Однако первые же ее события доказали, что, несмотря на все запреты, наложенные на кибермозг Законами роботехники, человечеству вряд ли удастся остаться в стороне Авторы Александр Белаш Людмила Белаш.  Серия: Российская боевая фантастика.

Пастырь Вселенной артикул 12627c.
Пастырь Вселенной артикул 12627c.

История эта началась с бредовой газетной статьи, которая так насмешила двух биологов — академика Бадмаева и его ассистента Володю И чего только не напишут ради сенсации! Даже, оеюпт например, то, что на Белгородчине появилась саранча ростом с собаку и явно с инопланетными замашками А потому последовавший вскоре телефонный звонок никто и не подумал связать с Новой Колониальной Историей Земли Автор Дмитрий Абеляшев.  Серия: Российская боевая фантастика.

International Financial Contagion: Theory and Ecidence in Evolution артикул 12629c.
International Financial Contagion: Theory and Ecidence in Evolution артикул 12629c.

This Research Foundation monograph is the result of more than three years of empirical research in the area of contagion It all started for me in a seminar where I was discussing an empirical fact based on a very innocent graph (similar to those presented in Chapter 2) I was showing the conditional covariance between the Mexican and Argentine stock оеюпщ markets, and I was I puzzled by the increase in comovement during the major financial crises of the 1990s I claimed that those changes were empirical support for one of my theoretical papers The implication of this paper was that during financial turmoil, comovement should increase Raman Uppal of the London Business School was in the audience, however, and he told me that the evidence I was using to support my contention was wrong and that the "facts" were missing an important statistical regularity He was right Автор Roberto Rigobon Roberto Rigobon.  Издательство: The Research Foundation of AIMR, 2002 г Мягкая обложка, 112 стр ISBN 0-943205-58-1.

The Cash Flow Management Book for Nonprofits: A Step-by-Step Guide for Managers and Boards артикул 12631c.
The Cash Flow Management Book for Nonprofits: A Step-by-Step Guide for Managers and Boards артикул 12631c.

The first and only guide of its kind to offer nonprofit executives help with the vital task of cash flow management! Murray Dropkin--an expert in the field of nonprofit accounting and author of The Budget-Building Book for Nonprofits--reveals how to create an effective plan for cash flow management This unprecedented guide offers you nuts-and-bolts оеюрд suggestions for using this plan to develop successful strategies for the day-to-day and long-term financial planning of any nonprofit organization Filled with to-do lists, sample forms, worksheets, schedules, policies and procedures, and checklists, The Cash Flow Management Book for Nonprofits is a fundamental financial management toolkit for nonprofit managers and board members.  ISBN 0787953857.

Financial Management: Principles and Practices with Finance Center Disk (2nd Edition) артикул 12633c.
Financial Management: Principles and Practices with Finance Center Disk (2nd Edition) артикул 12633c.

This book presents the latest in financial theory and retains a strong real world connection with a practical perspective The style of the book is lighthearted yet the writing and content is concise, clear and easy to understand It takes a true valuation approach by focusing on what creates value, what destroys it, and explores the relationship оеюри between value and risk International context is woven throughout the text, including the financial troubles in Asia, the EU and EMU and an introduction to the euro The World of Finance Essential Concepts in Finance Long Term Financial Management Decisions Short Term Financial Management Decisions Finance in the Global Economy For anyone interested in improving or refreshing their knowledge of financial management.  ISBN 0130151033.

Becoming Bankable : 5 Steps to Getting Money for Your Business артикул 12635c.
Becoming Bankable : 5 Steps to Getting Money for Your Business артикул 12635c.

Book DescriptionBecoming Bankable is the best guide to teach entrepreneurs how to successfully get money from the bank Banker, entrepreneur and instructor Kimberly Evans explains in five steps how to become bankable You dont have to be an accountant or financial pro to grasp the concepts in this book Kimberly Evans, Author Read what business оеюрр owners and banking professionals are saying about Becoming Bankable Every entrepreneur or business owner who desires to have a relationship with a bank, and get approved for a loan should read this book Tracey Hawthorne, owner The Hawthorne Group I recommend this book to anyone who is not familiar with the lending process Applying for a loan can be intimidating, but Becoming Bankable explains in a step-by-step, easy to read manner how to improve your chances of successfully getting through the process LaShaun Coard, Vice President and Commercial Lender AuthorKimberly Evans offers valuable information in addition to the five steps, such as: How to Improve Your Credit Score Information on Financing Start-Ups What Items to Include in a Loan Package Resources for Small Business Becoming Bankable is a refreshing guide to understanding how financial institutions decide to whom to lend money.  2005 г ISBN 0595347584.

Интеллектуальная авантюра Истоки бытия артикул 12637c.
Интеллектуальная авантюра Истоки бытия артикул 12637c.

XXI век Третье тысячелетие Назрела острая необходимость осознать взаимоотношения между знанием конкретного человека и его бытием, его способом пребывания в мире У нас есть оеюрт запрет: об этом думать нельзя Если начнешь об этом думать, додумаешься, что привычная, автоматическая жизнь - это еще не все Что до того, как умереть, можно еще раз родиться Что жизнь - это предложение родиться множество раз! Я буду писать о способе познания как о жизни, о пребывании в мире Это такая специфическая жизнь - жизнь человека как "Я" Мы попробуем подойти к ней с технологической, интеллектуальной точки зрения В этом и будет заключаться приключение - авантюра Интеллектуальная авантюра в поисках человека Автор Игорь Калинаускас.  Серия: Возвращение силы.

Managing a Corporate Bond Portfolio артикул 12639c.
Managing a Corporate Bond Portfolio артикул 12639c.

Praise for Managing a Corporate Bond Portfolio "Crabbe and Fabozzis Managing a Corporate Bond Portfolio is a refreshingly good book on the neglected topic in fixed income portfolio management If you want to understand the latest thinking in corporate bonds, what drives prices and why, read this book You will emerge with knowledge that оеюрх will help you get an edge in the competitive investing arena " Tim Opler Director, Financial Strategy Group, CSFB "A practitioners guide a creative, comprehensive, and practical book that addresses the myriad of challenges facing managers of corporate bond portfolios The chapter on liquidity, trading, and trading costs is a must read " Mary Rooney Headof Credit Strategy, Merrill Lynch "As a Senior Portfolio Manager responsible for managing billions of dollars invested in fixed income product during the mid-1990s, Lee Crabbe was the one Wall Street strategist that I would read every week to help me figure out where value was in the corporate bond market, and for insightful and easy-to-understand special reports that educated me and most investors on the risks and opportunities inherent in new structures and subordinated products Fortunately forme and investors, Lee Crabbe and Frank Fabozzi have written this book, which compiles much of their previous work on corporate bond valuation, along with new features that are a must read, especially in light of the volatile times in the corporate bond market over the past few years For portfolio managers, analysts, traders, and even strategists, if there is one book in your bookshelf that you should have on corporate bond portfolio management, it is this one " William H Cunningham Managing Director, Director of Credit Strategy, J P Morgan Securities Inc 1st edition Авторы Леланд Е Крэбб Leland E Crabbe Фрэнк Дж Фабоцци Frank J Fabozzi.  Издательство: Wiley, 2001 г Твердый переплет, 256 стр ISBN 0471218278.

Revenue Management артикул 12641c.
Revenue Management артикул 12641c.

From the man who has revolutionized companies like American Airlines and Marriott International comes the hottest trend in business today-Revenue Management Whatever happened to growth? In Revenue Management, Robert G Cross answers this question with his groundbreaking approach to revitalizing businesses: focusing on the revenue side оеюрь of the ledger instead of the cost side The antithesis of slash-and-burn management that left companies with empty profits and dissatisfied stockholders, Revenue Management overturns conventional thinking on marketing strategies and offers the key to initiating-and sustaining-growth Using case studies from a variety of industries, small businesses, and nonprofit organizations, Cross describes no-tech, low-tech, and high-tech methods that managers can introduce to: Increase revenue without increasing products or promotions Predict consumer behavior Tap into new markets Deliver products and services to customers effectively and efficiently Robert Cross's proven Revenue Management tactics will help any business, large or small, to meet the challenge of matching supply with demand and dramatically improve its bottom line Автор Роберт Г Кросс Robert G Cross.  Издательство: Broadway, 1997 г Мягкая обложка, 288 стр ISBN 0767900332.

Следы ведьм артикул 12643c.
Следы ведьм артикул 12643c.

От издателя Режиссер: Билл Иглс Продюсер: Джон М Эккерт Творческий коллектив Режиссер Билл Иглс Bill Eagles Актеры (показать всех актеров) Питер Галлахер Peter Gallagher Питер Галлахер оеюсб родился 19 августа 1956 года в Армонке, штат Нью-Йорк В 1977-м году он окончил Университет Таффтс, где во время учебы пел в группе "Bezzlebubs" Питер Фонда Peter Fonda Peter Seymour Fonda Джейми-Линн Дискала Jamie-Lynn DiScala.  Формат: DVD (PAL) (Keep case) Дистрибьютор: ВидеоСервис Региональный код: 5 Количество слоев: DVD-9 (2 слоя) Субтитры: Украинский Звуковые дорожки: Русский Закадровый перевод с английскими субтитрами Dolby Digital 5 1 Формат изображения: Anamorphic WideScreen 1 85:1 Лицензионные товары Характеристики видеоносителей 2007 г , 170 мин , США Sony Pictures Television Художественный кинофильм.

The Gathering.
Financial Policies in Emerging Markets артикул 12645c.
Financial Policies in Emerging Markets артикул 12645c.

The 1994-1995 Mexican crisis was the first in a succession of financial crises to hit emerging markets in Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, South Korea, Russia, Brazil, Argentina, and Turkey In almost all these cases, problems in the banking sector played a key role Any analysis of recent developments in emerging market economies must consider оеюсг two questions: What is the degree of financial vulnerability in emerging market economies, and what, if any, is the connection between the exchange rate regime and financial vulnerability? This book furthers understanding of the impact of financial policies on emerging market economies Following an introduction by the editors, the book contains two main sections The first presents theoretical and empirical evidence on the relation between financial policy and financial vulnerability The second considers financial policy in central and eastern Europe in terms of the euro and the European Monetary Union Although there is no clear-cut answer to which exchange rate regime works best, the book concludes that the financial vulnerability of emerging market economies suggests the advisability of greater caution in financial system liberalization and management.  ISBN 0262025256.

История России Книга 1 История России с древнейших времен до конца XIX века артикул 12647c.
История России Книга 1 История России с древнейших времен до конца XIX века артикул 12647c.

В пособии систематизировано излагаются основные факты и события истории России с древнейших времен до наших дней Оно соответствует Примерной программе вступительных экзаменов оеюсз в вузы и в то же время содержит много расширяющих кругозор дополнительных сведений В Приложении приводятся подробный перечень правителей России, схемы государственного управления в разные периоды и развернутая хронология российской истории Пособие состоит из двух книг В первой книге описываются события, происшедшие с глубокой древности до конца XIX в Предназначается для абитуриентов и выпускников средних учебных заведений, а также для студентов и аспирантов исторических факультетов и вузов Автор Михаил Зуев.  Серия: Пособие для поступающих в вузы.

Measuring and Controlling Interest Rate and Credit Risk артикул 12649c.
Measuring and Controlling Interest Rate and Credit Risk артикул 12649c.

Measuring and Controlling Interest Rate and Credit Risk, Second Edition offers a systematic evaluation of how to measure and control the interest rate risk and credit risk of a bond portfolio or trading position under various financial conditions Financial experts Frank Fabozzi, Steven Mann, and Moorad Choudhry clearly define and illustrate оеюсн interest rate risk and credit risk using practical examples with market data These experts also discuss various hedging instruments, including futures contracts, interest rate swaps, exchange-traded options, OTC options, and credit derivatives This completely revised Second Edition is filled with calculated examples and tables that will aid you in understanding numerous important issues such as: Measuring yield curve risk Controlling interest rate risk with derivatives Forecasting yield volatility Implementing Value at Risk (VaR) approaches to measure interest rate risk Performing credit derivative valuation Managing credit risk using credit derivatives and structured products Filled with in-depth analysis and insights from recognized experts in the field, Measuring and Controlling Interest Rate and Credit Risk,Second Edition is a must-read for portfolio managers and traders who need to continually sharpen their financial skills.  ISBN 0471268062.

Money Matters for Hospitality Managers артикул 12651c.
Money Matters for Hospitality Managers артикул 12651c.

Unique in its approach, 'Money Matters for Hospitality Managers' is unlike other heavy theoretical accounting texts, using real life scenarios to show managers how it's done Backed up by a range of exercises and activities, it thus allows managers to put their learning straight into practice - and so to achieve immediate results! 'Money Matters' оеюср will actively help managers and employees in the industry to: · learn more about the control aspects in order to become more effective in their work · learn about the business and companies in the wider context · understand where their section of the organization fits in the 'bigger picture' · increase their knowledge and enhance career opportunities Covering an unprecedented range of sectors (including hotels, restaurants, contract catering, leisure tourism, cruise ships and theme parks), the book supplies useful advice for the whole hospitality industry It is ideal for operational and first line management, for whom it provides a welcome, accessible and hands-on introduction to finance and accounting in their sector Contains up to date industry-based examples illustrating real-life scenarios Demystifying and practical rationale - helping you to become a better manager Endorsed by the Caterer and Hotelkeeper.  ISBN 0750652500.

Money, Development and Economic Transformation : Selected Essays by Hajo Riese (Studies in Economic Transition) артикул 12653c.
Money, Development and Economic Transformation : Selected Essays by Hajo Riese (Studies in Economic Transition) артикул 12653c.

Book Description This book presents a selection of thought-provoking essays by the noted German economist Hajo Riese Starting from the theoretical foundations of how a monetary economy works, Riese provides new insights into major issues of economic development and economic transition Riese's main conclusion is that strategies of economic оеюст development and economic transition will fail if the requirements of a monetary economy are not met.  2004 г ISBN 0333800753.

The New International Money Game артикул 12655c.
The New International Money Game артикул 12655c.

Previous editions of Robert Z Aliber's The New International Money Game have been widely acclaimed as the best and most entertaining introduction to the arcane enigmas of international finance Since its original publication, the book has become a classic primer for beginning students, businesspersons, and anyone interested in a clear explanation оеюсф of international monetary and financial issues With expert knowledge and a wry sense of humor, Aliber demystifies international finance bybreaking through the jargon barrier and presenting technical issues in a clear and concise manner Aliber takes the reader on a tour of a multiplicity of international finance issues, included fixed and floating exchange rates, devaluations, money markets, monetary policy, and the concepts that lie behind the esoteric language of financial economists This sixth edition tracks the changes that have taken place in the world economy since the previous editions by exploring financial globalization, postcommunist transition, European integration, and the Asian economic crisis It is an indispensable and highly readable guide to the complex and increasingly fragile system through which the world's business is financed.  ISBN 0226013979.

The Nature of Money артикул 12657c.
The Nature of Money артикул 12657c.

Mainstream economics fails to grasp the specific nature of money It is seen either as a neutral veil over the operation of the real economy or alternatively as a thing a special commodity In this important new book, Geoffrey Ingham draws on neglected traditions in the social sciences to develop a theory of the social relation оеютб of money Money consists in socially and politically constructed promises to pay This approach is then applied to a range of important historical and analytical questions The historical origins of money, the cashless monetary systems of the ancient Near Eastern empires, the pre-capitalist coinage systems of Greece and Rome, and the emergence of capitalist credit-money are all given new interpretations Capitalisms distinctiveness is to befound in the social structure comprising complex linkages between firms, banks and states by which private debts are routinely monetized Monetary disorders inflation, deflation, collapse of currencies are the result of disruptions of, or the inability to sustain, these credit-debt relations Finally, this theory of moneys nature is used to clarify confusions in the recent debates on the emergence of new forms and spaces of money global electronic money, local exchange trading schemes, the euro.  ISBN 074560997X.

Toward a New International Financial Architecture: A Practical Post-Asia Agenda артикул 12659c.
Toward a New International Financial Architecture: A Practical Post-Asia Agenda артикул 12659c.

The Asian financial crisis and the global economic turmoil that followed it have highlighted the need to avert financial crises and resolve them quickly if they do occur This book addresses current concerns that existing institutional arrangements, including the Bretton Woods institutions, can no longer adequately cope with today's world оеюте of high capital mobility It provides a critical assessment of competing proposals to better predict, forestall, and resolve international financial crises and outlines a practical and pragmatic agenda for reform The recommendations are based on the belief that financial markets can malfunction, creating a compelling case for a financial safety net (and therefore a role for the IMF), but also creating problems of moral hazard that must be addressed.  ISBN 0881322709.

Ирония любви артикул 12661c.
Ирония любви артикул 12661c.

От издателя Режиссер: Александр Черняев Продюсеры: Ренат Давлетьяров Александр Котелевский Ермек Аманшаев Творческий коллектив Дополнительные материалы Бонусы: Русский оеютй Dolby Digital 2 0 Хронометраж: 91 минута Фильм о фильме (режиссер - Елена Слатина) Музыкальный клип "Ирония любви" (исполнитель - Группа "Princessa Avenue") Фотогалерея Режиссер Александр Черняев Актеры (показать всех актеров) Алексей Чадов Алексей Чадов родился 2 сентября 1981 году в Москве В школьные годы занимался в театральной студии Работал официантом и барменом Окончил Высшее театральное училище имени М С Щепкина, где занимался в мастерской В П Селезнева Дебютом в кино для Ирина Розанова Ирина Юрьевна Розанова родилась 22 июля 1961 года в Пензе После окончания в 1988 году ГИТИСа, где занималась на курсе О Я Ремиза, начала работать в Московском театре имени В Маяковского Затем актриса играла в Театре-студии "Человек", а в 1991 году Юрий Куценко Гоша Куценко Учился в школе-студии МХАТ (мастерская И М Тарханова) С начала 90-х работал в театре, кино и на телевидении Играл в спектаклях "Собака на сене", "Братья Карамазовы", "Не в свои сани не садись", "Каин" и др Наиболее заметные театральные работы -.  Формат: DVD (PAL) (Картонный бокс + кеер case) Дистрибьютор: Студия "Монолит" Региональный код: 0 (All) Количество слоев: DVD-9 (2 слоя) Звуковые дорожки: Русский Dolby Digital 5 1 Формат изображения: WideScreen 16:9 (1 78:1) Лицензионные товары Характеристики видеоносителей 2010 г , 85 мин , Россия - Казахстан Казахфильм Художественный кинофильм.

Land As an Economic Factor and Its Biblical Origins артикул 12663c.
Land As an Economic Factor and Its Biblical Origins артикул 12663c.

Book DescriptionOur homage to freedom is a mockery, for the blinding glare of riches and power have made of democracy an illusion The consequence is life without social and economic justice and a false viewÂwe are chained to monetary acquisitiveness, group identities, and other limited perspectives Power and influence coupled with technology, оеютн bureaucracy, and greed have masked accumulated wisdom-the bedrock of individual integrity Even social injustice masked as property rights takes on a look of integrity, liberty, and prosperity At the root of our problems is the relation of man to the land and his mental and physical separation from it The most endurable structure would be built upon the Fatherhood of God, which the ancient Hebrews perceived as requiring the sharing among the entire people of the divine gift of land While land rent has been acknowledged to be socially created, a theft by private interests of natural resources that belong to mankind in common, is protected and exalted as the fruit of effort and a basis of personal rights The First Definitive History of Land Economics stands in a tradition of social criticism that recognizes that land-rent income should be the tax base of the community and the means to eliminate poverty The author hopes to do something towards overcoming a way of thinking that in the guise of defending property rights defends privilege in its robbery of Nature, labor, and life.  2003 г ISBN 0595299814.

Who Shot Goldilocks?: How Alan Greenspan Did in Our Jobs, Savings, and Retirement Plans артикул 12665c.
Who Shot Goldilocks?: How Alan Greenspan Did in Our Jobs, Savings, and Retirement Plans артикул 12665c.

Book DescriptionWHO SHOT GOLDILOCKS? How Alan Greenspan did in our jobs, savings and retirement plans By William D Rutherford The US economy experienced one of the productive and prosperous decades of its history in the 1990s Led by the engines oftechnological advancement, a post-Cold War surplus of investment capital worldwide, and the growing оеютс importance and practice of international trade, the American economy took off on the longest unbroken expansion in its history Remarkably, this growth was not so feverish as to create inflation, as production efficiency was at an all time high It was also steady enough to avoid cool periods many expansions experience Many economy watchers called it "the Goldilocks Economy," because it was not too hot and not too cool It was just right, and the country prospered behind it Then, very quickly and with little warning, it ground to a devastating halt Businesses were immobilized by the capital crunch caused by the falling stock market The fallout wasfelt nationwide Millions of hard-working Americans lost their jobs, homes, and savings Many lost everything Across America, people asked the same question: What happened? In WHO SHOT GOLDILOCKS?: (Crown Point Press, USA; $18 95), William D Rutherford outlines in detail the economic and policy decisions that helped create the greatest generation of wealth in American history and the incredible actions that ultimately destroyed it WHO SHOT GOLDILOCKS? presents a clear-eyed view of the inner workings of the American economy, explains how policy decisions affecting millions are made, and shows how the people responsible for maintaining the course of the economy failed It is necessary reading for anyone concerned about Americas place in the global economy now and in the future WHO SHOT GOLDILOCKS? How Alan Greenspan did in our jobs, savings and retirement plans By William D Rutherford Published by Crown Point Press, USA Publication Date: June 2004 Hardcover; 112 pages.  2004 г ISBN 0975310402.

International Bimetallism артикул 12667c.
International Bimetallism артикул 12667c.

The word bimetallism means something concerning two metals, in conjunction or in some mutual relation to each other In addition to this, it has come to be understood that the two metals are gold and silver; and that this conjunction, or mutual relation, is in, or through, their use as money Beyond this, bimetallism may mean more or may mean less In ordinary оеютц speech, if without qualification or previous explanation, it means either the system of national bimetallism, with free coinage of both metals at the legal ratio, such as existed in the United States from 1792 to 1873, in France after 1785, and in many other countries at various times; or else, and this more properly, the system of international bimetallism again with free coinage of the metals, at a ratio common to the contracting nations such as existed under the Latin Union between 1865 and 1873; such as has been proposed to be constituted between wider groups of nations, in successive international conferences and in a host of treatises, tracts, and public addresses Francis A Walker, Ph D , LL D , at the time of the original publication, was President of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and the author of Political Economy, Money, The Wages Question, Money, Trade, and Industry, and International Bimetallism .  ISBN 0898753228.

Case Problems In Finance артикул 12614c.
Case Problems In Finance артикул 12614c.

The primary course for this book is the case course in Finance taught to all finance majors at both the MBA and undergraduate level This is typically a capstone course at the undergraduate level and either the first or second course at the MBA level Case Problems in Finance is a Harvard case course that presents real business situations that pose debatable оеюнэ alternative courses of action The cases contain problems that can be narrowed but not always settled by the usual techniques of financial analysis The cases are grouped by major topics: financial analysis and forecasting, cost of capital, working capital management, capital budgeting, dividend policy, debt policy, financial execution, and mergers and restructuring.  ISBN 0256145962.

A Manufacturing CEO's Secret Tips for Improving Profit (Nam/Wiley Series in Manufacturing) артикул 12616c.
A Manufacturing CEO's Secret Tips for Improving Profit (Nam/Wiley Series in Manufacturing) артикул 12616c.

A no-nonsense guide for managers who ask themselves each day:"What should I work on first to improve my company's profits?" A Manufacturing CEO's Secret Tips for Improving Profit assumes the mental perspective of the manager who sees the whole complex picture and who must make tough decisions quickly and effectively Based on the author's оеюоа personal experience as a successful aircraft manufacturing president, this book is designed in every detail to help you bring positive change to every part of your company, improve its overall operation, and to increase profitability It offers proven tools, techniques, and methods that you can put to work immediately, including: How to use General Business Formulas How to estimate the cost of a new product How to use the General Business Formula to design an effective financial reporting system How to identify problems early—before they reduce profits How to reduce inventory How to create and use learning curves to help manage a business How to involve employees in cost control And much more! Timely, practical, and authoritative, A Manufacturing CEO's Secret Tips for Improving Profit is an invaluable source of on-target advice you'll refer to again and again Be forewarned: This is not an abstract or theoretical book about how to run a business It doesn't separate different aspects of a company and then discuss each as an isolated system Instead, Richard Ludwig's A Manufacturing CEO's Secret Tips for Improving Profit is a hands-on, nuts-and-bolts guide to making immediate improvements that will lead to greater profits It looks at the operation of a manufacturing firm from the mental perspective of the manager who, day-to-day, sees the complexity of thesituation and who must sort out what must change, which ideas work, and how to combine and coordinate his or her areas of responsibility Written by a successful businessman for successful businesspeople, it offers a complete management system thatwill provide improved profits from all areas of operations, from administrative or indirect labor functions to production You'll learn: Unique formulas for choosing capital equipment, downsizing, buying outside services How to identify and weed out weak or poorly performing sectors How to use an American version of quality circles and incentives for improving employee productivity How to combine trend analysis with Pareto analysis to reduce costs and improve the bottom line Chapters are arranged to work the way you work: they provide an organized, immediate way to identify problem areas, generate information about them, and implement systems to improve results and increase profits These pages are packed with practical ideas and real-life examples, presented in a logical, comprehensive, and well-integrated manner For manufacturers, managers, and entrepreneurs, A Manufacturing CEO's Secret Tips for Improving Profit is a virtual treasure trove of proven techniques for obtaining greater profitability.  ISBN 0471125555.

Successful Corporate Fund Raising: Effective Strategies for Today's Nonprofits артикул 12618c.
Successful Corporate Fund Raising: Effective Strategies for Today's Nonprofits артикул 12618c.

Corporate giving currently accounts for nearly 10 percent of all charitable donations nationwide, and most experts agree that the flow of corporate resources earmarked for nonprofit programs is on the rise Yet, many fund raisers are held back from tapping this gold mine by the fear they dont know how to "play the system" correctly When оеюое it comes to soliciting corporate funds, even old hands at private fund raising find themselves stymied by the lack of clear-cut answers to such critical questions as: "How do I find out which companies give and how do I obtain information about them?" "Who are the funding decision makers, and how do I appeal to them and cultivate relationships with them?" "What hidden strings and pitfalls should I be aware of when soliciting corporate funds?" Successful Corporate Fund Raising provides in-depth answers to these and all your questions about finding and winning corporate funds The distillation of Scott Sheldons more than two decades of experience as a corporate fund raiser, it provides a complete blueprint for developing and maintaining successful corporate fund-raising programs at nonprofits of all sizes The book begins with an in-depth exploration of the world of contemporary corporate giving It explains the key differences between private funding and the "strategic philanthropy" practiced by many corporations It describes the various forms corporate giving most commonly takes, including cash, in-kind, and volunteerism And it clearly spells out the motivations, perceptions, expectations, and conditions driving most corporate funding The lions share of the book is devoted to schooling readers in effective low-cost strategies for locating, obtaining, and managing corporate resources Organized around the five key components of a successful corporate funding initiative, it provides step-by-step guidance on how to research corporate funders, cultivate relationships with key personnel, solicit corporate resources, evaluate the efficacy of fund-raising initiatives, and manage funded programs It also supplies a wealth of forms, questionnaires, sample letters and proposals, checklists, and other valuable tools that can easily be adapted for use in your organization Successful Corporate Fund Raising is an indispensable working resource for all nonprofit fund raisers, development managers, agency executives, and board members An experts guide to finding and winning corporate support for your nonprofit organization This book shows fund raisers and executives at nonprofits of all sizes how to take advantage of the current corporate funding opportunities K Scott Sheldon provides a fresh, insiders look at contemporary corporate giving, and he develops a complete blueprint for developing a corporate fund-raising program Step-by-step, he walks you through the entire corporate fund-raising process and: Describes proven fund-raising strategies and techniques that can be integrated into virtually any nonprofit organization Alerts you to the common pitfalls to corporate solicitation and shows you how to avoid them Explores the impact of new technologies on corporate fund raising Details solid strategies for taking advantage of resources other than cash, including in-kind donations and volunteers Illustrates key points with fascinating and instructive real-world case studies Arms you with an array of forms, checklists, sample documents, questionnaires, and other valuable tools.  ISBN 0471350168.

Numbers Game артикул 12620c.
Numbers Game артикул 12620c.

Book Description All of the components needed by readers of the financial pages or beginner business students to understand the real meaning of published numbers are explained in this guide This revised and updated edition takes into account the reasons behind the downfall of HIH Insurance, a leading Australian insurance company; the latest оеюой trends in retailers' vital statistics; and the problems with accounting for abnormal items Starting with the annual report and the balance sheet and continuing through assets and liabilities, the profit and loss account, and tax and cash flow, this is a complete how-to to understanding business facts and figures.  2004 г ISBN 1741142946.

Winning Business : How to Use Financial Analysis and Benchmarks to Outscore Your Competition артикул 12622c.
Winning Business : How to Use Financial Analysis and Benchmarks to Outscore Your Competition артикул 12622c.

Today's business environment is a competition, and business managers need the right game plan if they want to win Successful businesses do a lot of the same things well They track inventories, expenses, growth, break-even units, margins, employee turnover, compensation plans, return on training, sales, earnings per employee, and a host of other оеюон statistics But to win in business, managers need to do more than track these benchmarks They need to improve results Winning Business provides the benchmarks business managers should track It shows managers how to calculate each benchmark, AND presents ways to improve their results In short, this book provides a company with a blueprint for success Each benchmark produces a value that managers can track over time to monitor the impact on their operations To help managers evaluate their performance, it provides industry-wide benchmarks that list the results retailers, manufacturers, and even publishers should target Winning Business provides benchmarks for: Managerial accounting Sales and marketing Employee benefits Financial performance Market indicators Inventory analysis Many others Included FREE is a full, multimedia version of Winning Business The CD-ROM includes Winning Business MultiMedia in Adobe pdf (Portable Document Format) file format for Win 95/98/NT 3 51 or above, Mac System 7 5 or higher, UNIX, and other platforms You'll get all 257 tips from the book complete with their workable equations BONUS for Windows 95, 98, NT 3 51 or above users: Financial Analysis Calculator, Version 1 1 0 With this free program, you can enter your company's financial statement information and watch as the program automatically performs all of the ratiocalculations for you In an instant, you can have a vast array of critical performance characteristics mapped out for you.  ISBN 0884158985.

Value Leadership : The 7 Principles that Drive Corporate Value in Any Economy артикул 12624c.
Value Leadership : The 7 Principles that Drive Corporate Value in Any Economy артикул 12624c.

In Value Leadership, renowned management and investment expert Peter Cohan — whose 2002 stock picks gained 81percent when the S&P 500 plunged 24 percent— provides a new and powerful concept of sustainable corporate value Using his expertise in understanding shareholder value, Cohan offers executives seven management principles оеюот that were tested in periods of economic expansion and contraction These principles are: valuing human relationships, fostering teamwork, experimenting frugally, fulfilling your commitments, fighting complacency, winning through multiple means, and giving to your community Cohan illustrates these principles by drawing on examples from eight Value Leaders— Synopsys, WalMart, Goldman Sachs, MBNA, Johnson & Johnson, J M Smucker, Southwest Airlines, and Microsoft Through two recessions, these companies grew 35 percent faster, were 109 percent more profitable, and generated five times more shareholder wealth than their peers.  ISBN 0787966045.

Executive Refreshers: Finance, The Fundamentals for Business Professionals артикул 12626c.
Executive Refreshers: Finance, The Fundamentals for Business Professionals артикул 12626c.

Book DescriptionExecutive Refresher: Finance is a quick crash course on the basics from B-School This book is the ideal solution for business professionals in search of a refresher on the fundamentals of finance, applied to and translated for the business world Noted Scholar John Edmunds carries readers through a comprehensive, engaging text, оеюпл exploring all business-critical aspects of applied finance from managing day-to-day finances handling cash and securing loans, to all issues surrounding big-ticket asset purchases, offering an overview of capital markets, as well as one of derivatives this is a readable, yet thorough overview of those sometimes forgotten, endlessly important finer points of finance.  2004 г ISBN 1587623080.

Venture Management Handbook: An Entrepreneur's Practical Guide to Stock, Finance and Contracts артикул 12628c.
Venture Management Handbook: An Entrepreneur's Practical Guide to Stock, Finance and Contracts артикул 12628c.

The brand new, highly-acclaimed Venture Management Handbook tells an entrepreneur or the management team of any company how to raise money, avoid trouble and manage to profitability -- even in the post-crash, post-Enron economy And at the end of the day, make sure there is something left for themselves Sample topics include: Valuations VC оеюпу terms and preferences VC structure exactly how they make money Business plans for you and for VCs Accounting 101 for a manager (not an accountant) Accurate sales forecasting What executives need to know about accounting Cash flow forecasting, management and reporting Deciding what to measure How to work with investment banks Protect your precious cash from crafty creditors Good vendor contract terms Convertible notes and bridge loans Borrowing on assets or receivables What to do when things start going bad Controlled bankruptcy and reorganization How to structure sales agreements to ensure you get paid How to choose the right lawyer and get the most from them while paying the least Dividing the spoils in a merger or acquisition How to avoid employee lawsuits When can investors demand their money back? Options, warrants, ISOs, your personal income tax Revenue recognition what Enron, Xerox and WorldCom did wrong -- how to stay out of trouble Avoid personal responsibility for the debts of your corporation -- if you're not careful, you may NOT have a corporate shield and much, much more.  ISBN 0972167102.

Герои былых времен артикул 12630c.
Герои былых времен артикул 12630c.

Где проходит грань между Добром и Злом? Всегда ли ее можно провести? Для блага и процветания смертных создали добрые боги Грааль - священный сосуд, наполненный неизбывным счастьем оеюрв Но Судьба решила иначе Средневековый маг Кальдориан, по злому умыслу, по недомыслию ли, похитил магическую чашу из рук хранителей и вверг Староземье в пучину страданий, обрек на муки поколения его обитателей Но то, что разрушил один, может воссоздать другой Пятеро благородных Странников отправляются в былое, дабы исправить злую ошибку Судьбы Вот только кто станет исправлять ошибки Странников? Ну конечно они, Наемники Судьбы, - им ведь не привыкать спасать миры! Одно плохо - у них на это лето были совсем другие планы Автор Юлия Федотова.  Серия: Магия фэнтези.

Реконструкция всеобщей истории Жанна д`Арк, Самсон и русская история артикул 12632c.
Реконструкция всеобщей истории Жанна д`Арк, Самсон и русская история артикул 12632c.

Настоящая книга составлена из новых результатов в области новой хронологии, полученных авторами в 2001 году Книга естественно продолжает две книги под названием `Реконструкция оеюрж всеобщей истории` (части 1 и 2) Книга предназначена для читателей, уже знакомых с проблемой обоснования хронологии древности и с современным естественно-научным подходом к этому вопросу От читателя предполагается знакомство, например, с книгой авторов `Введение в новую хронологию` (Москва, изд-во `Крафт`, 1999) В принятой сегодня версии хронологии древности обнаруживаются серьезнейшие ошибки Опираясь на эмпирико-статистические методы, авторы предлагают новую, более короткую хронологию В настоящей книге авторы, как правило, не обосновывают свою точку зрения, так как это привело бы к увеличению объема и к повторению уже сказанного в предыдущих книгах Здесь излагается лишь реконструкция За доказательствами и за описанием статистических методов датировки авторы отсылают к предыдущим книгам Многое из сказанного в настоящей книге является пока гипотезой В качестве Приложения впервые в России публикуется, причем факсимильно, известная `Арка Славы Императора Максимилиана I`, созданная Альбрехтом Дюрером, как считается, в XVI веке Это уникальное произведение представляет из себя огромное полотно, составленное из ста девяноста больших гравюр Оно отражает многие важные события средневековой истории Европы и будет интересно не только сторонникам новой хронологии, но и ее противникам, а также всем, кто интересуется историей Хотя грандиозная `Арка Славы` является одним из главных творений А Дюрера (быть может, самым главным), она странным образом не публикуется сегодня подробно в доступных альбомах, и причины этого читатель узнает из настоящей книги В Приложении 2 впервые полностью публикуются составленные авторами, совместно с Е А Елисеевым, подробнейшие хронологические таблицы скалигеровской версии `древней` и средневековой истории, содержащие не только даты правлений, но и те разнообразные имена, под которыми иногда фигурируют в различных первоисточниках одни и те же правители Таких подробных таблиц с дубликатами имен царей ранее не существовало вообще Потому этот ценнейший справочный материал будет полезен в том числе и историкам, независимо от их отношения к новой хронологии Авторы не претендуют на высокую точность предлагаемых новых датировок Книга предназначена для самых широких кругов читателей, интересующихся применением естественно-научных методов в истории Авторы Глеб Носовский Носовский Глеб Владимирович, кандидат физико-математических наук (МГУ, 1988), специалист в области теории вероятностей, математической статистики, теории случайных процессов, теории оптимизации, стохастических дифференциальных уравнений, компьютерного Анатолий Фоменко Фоменко Анатолий Тимофеевич, академик Российской академии наук (РАН), действительный член РАЕН (Российской академии естественных наук), действительный член МАИ ВШ (Международной академии наук Высшей школы), доктор физико-математических наук, профессор,.  Серия: Новая хронология.

Small Business Financing: How and Where To Get It, (Second Edition) артикул 12634c.
Small Business Financing: How and Where To Get It, (Second Edition) артикул 12634c.

Securing adequate funding for a business venture can be one of the most difficult obstacles faced by entrepreneurs This resource instructs readers on the best ways to raise money for growing or starting a small business by discussing each source of public and private debt and equity capital, from bootstrapping and IPOs to commercial loans and SBA-guaranteed оеюрк programs Covered are methods for determining how much capital is needed, planning successful applications and presentations, and choosing an appropriate source and type of financing Sample forms are integrated into the text to facilitate learning the details and data-gathering skills needed for the financing process This replaces 080802392.  ISBN 0808007386.

Corporate Finance: Theory and Practice артикул 12636c.
Corporate Finance: Theory and Practice артикул 12636c.

Aswath Damodaran is nationally recognized for his teaching approach, using theory and the models that flow from it to understand, analyze and solve problems He treats corporate finance as a living discipline by making it much more applied than other textbooks Throughout the text, real companies and real data are used in examples and exercises оеюрс 2 edition Автор Эсвотч Дэмодаран Aswath Damodaran.  Издательство: Wiley, 2001 г Твердый переплет, 1008 стр ISBN 0471283320.

Risk Measures for the 21st Century (The Wiley Finance Series) артикул 12638c.
Risk Measures for the 21st Century (The Wiley Finance Series) артикул 12638c.

Book DescriptionThe last five years have witnessed a great momentum in the research into measures of financial risk After many years of ad-hoc and non-consistent measures, now the problem is finally well formulated and some useful and very user-friendlysolutions have been proposed These new measures of risk should be of great interest for investors, оеюрф financial institutions as well as for regulators Under the editorship of Professor Giorgio Szego of the University of Rome "La Sapienza", this book is a collection of the revised and updated papers from prestigious international specialists who are leaders in their field, amongst whom is Robert Engle, a newly-announced Nobel prize-winner in finance These authors bring a broad perspective across a wide selection of topics, ranging from the critique of some currently used methods, like Value at Risk, to the presentation of some correct risk measures and of some advanced application The book provides a detailed and up-to-date reference for researchers within academia, and risk managers or financial engineers.  2004 г ISBN 0470861541.

The Ernst & Young Guide to the IPO Value Journey артикул 12640c.
The Ernst & Young Guide to the IPO Value Journey артикул 12640c.

This updated version of the Ernst & Young Guide to Taking Your Company Public looks at the IPO as a milestone in a larger process called The Value Journeysm, the basis for the work of the Ernst & Young Center for Strategic Transactions®, a business advisory resource for CEOs This practical book is designed to help you determine whether an оеюръ IPO is the right move for your company and addresses the major leadership challenges that CEOs face It describes how to plan your IPO journey and chart your business strategy, focusing on the steps you must take to succeed during and after the IPO event and fulfill the critical need to continuously innovate and renew your company 1 edition Авторы Стивен Блауэрс Stephen C Blowers Питер Гриффит Peter H Griffith Томас Л Милан Thomas L Milan.  Издательство: Wiley, 1999 г Суперобложка, 296 стр ISBN 0471352330.

Corporate Restructuring: Lessons from Experience артикул 12642c.
Corporate Restructuring: Lessons from Experience артикул 12642c.

Редакторы: Мишель Померлано William Shaw In the wake of the periodic financial crises of the late 1990s, the international financial institutions and many experts have recognized the need for a strategy to avoid and mitigate the severity of crises in the corporate sector Addressing this problem requires the complementary оеюрю efforts of policymakers, regulators, lawyers, insolvency experts, corporate restructuring specialists, and financiers What are the roots of corporate distress? Can systemic corporate crises be predicted? What is the role of legal frameworks in preventing and coping with a crisis? What are the most effective financial techniques for dealing with distressed corporates? This timely volume takes a multidisciplinary perspective on corporate restructuring, and examines international experiences in dealing with corporate crises.  Издательство: World Bank Publications, 2005 г Мягкая обложка, 382 стр ISBN 0821359282.

Crime of 1873: The Comstock Connection артикул 12644c.
Crime of 1873: The Comstock Connection артикул 12644c.

Award-winning author Robert R Van Ryzin sheds new and illuminating light on the creation of the Morgan and Silver Trade dollars From the mine to the mint, never-before-published information reveals wrongdoing at the highest levels of the U S Mint As a complete price guide for Morgan and Trade Silver dollars, information is provided on which dates оеюсв are rare, scarce, and valuable Collectors of U S coins, the Old West and historians of the economy and mining industry, will all enjoy this richly told and highly inclusive story - Morgan and Trade Silver dollars values - Historical coverage of the Crime of 1873.  ISBN 0873418735.

Managing the Franc Poincare: Economic Understanding and Politcal Constraint in French Monetary Policy, 1928-1936 (Studies on Monetary and Financial History) артикул 12646c.
Managing the Franc Poincare: Economic Understanding and Politcal Constraint in French Monetary Policy, 1928-1936 (Studies on Monetary and Financial History) артикул 12646c.

Defense of the franc Poincaré dominated French economic policy during the Depression While most countries took their currencies off gold to permit a wider range of domestic policies to foster recovery, in France policy makers resolved to preserve the gold parity of the franc by balancing the budget and lowering domestic prices Novelty and experimentation оеюсж were rejected in the conviction that a durable recovery was possible only through a return to strict neoclassical orthodoxy Managing the franc Poincaré examines French monetary management from 1928 to 1936 in order to explain this stubborn determination to achieve recovery through deflation despite evidence of its failures abroad Through evaluation of French understanding of the Depression, French economic diplomacy in an era of economic nationalism, the evolving roles of the French treasury and the Bank of France in monetary management and policy determination, and attention to the fractious politics of the Third Republic, French monetary policy is set within its ideological, institutional and political contexts.  ISBN 0521522846.

Politics and Banking: Ideas, Public Policy, and the Creation of Financial Institutions артикул 12648c.
Politics and Banking: Ideas, Public Policy, and the Creation of Financial Institutions артикул 12648c.

In Politics and Banking Susan Hoffmann explores the influence of public philosophiesin particular, classic liberalism, utilitarianism, progressivism, and populismon the development of U S banking institutions Focusing on banks, savings and loan associations, and credit unions, Hoffmann demonstrates that though policy makers' political оеюсм and economic interests surely played a role in the development of these institutions and the policies relating to them, we cannot overlook the importance of ideas Following the development of banking from the first Congress through the Great Depression, Hoffmann begins by explaining how particular political ideas helped create the first Bank of the United States She shows how other ideasabout the relationship between public and private spheresled to the demise of the second Bank of the United States and establishment of the Independent Treasury Further chapter topics include the development of the corporate bank; congressional debates on money and banking from the end of the Civil War through the Banking Act of 1935; the creation of savings and loan associations; and a discussion of how philosophical populism led to institutions and policies that emphasize economic democracy The book concludes by examining the impact of neoliberal public philosophy on U S banking today.  ISBN 0801867029.

Monetary and Fiscal Policy, Vol 2: Politics артикул 12650c.
Monetary and Fiscal Policy, Vol 2: Politics артикул 12650c.

How will the private sector react to different governmental policies? What policies will produce the most desirable outcomes? These two volumes bring together major contributions to a new theory of macroeconomic policy that analyzes which policies are credible or politically feasible, topics that are central to the practical policy debate оеюсп but that traditional theory cannot address Instead of looking at policy as an end product, the contributors approach policy as an ongoing process of revised goals, changes in tactics, and political pressures They consider what kinds of incentives, within different institutional settings, drive policymaking and the behavior of policymakers This approach allows more informed answers to questions of which policies are credible and which are politically feasible It explains why certain monetary and fiscal policies get implemented, and provides insights into situations that occur repeatedly in macroeconomic policy such as the bias toward government deficits,partisan competition, and central bank independence Volume 1 examines problems of policy credibility caused by incentives to deviate from announced policy Volume 2 looks at feasibility problems caused by political pressures generated by the electoral process, the politics of the public debt, issues of the redistribution of wealth, and conflict over the need for economic reforms Sections are arranged so that the first chapter introduces a topic while those that follow expand on it The editors provide substantial introductions to each volume as well as short comments at the beginning of each section within the volumes.  ISBN 0262660881.

Interest and Prices : Foundations of a Theory of Monetary Policy артикул 12652c.
Interest and Prices : Foundations of a Theory of Monetary Policy артикул 12652c.

Book Description With the collapse of the Bretton Woods system, any pretense of a connection of the world's currencies to any real commodity has been abandoned Yet since the 1980s, most central banks have abandoned money-growth targets as practical guidelines for monetary policy as well How then can pure "fiat" currencies be managed оеюсс so as to create confidence in the stability of national units of account? Interest and Prices seeks to provide theoretical foundations for a rule-based approach to monetary policy suitable for a world of instant communications and ever more efficient financial markets In such a world, effective monetary policy requires that central banks construct a conscious and articulate account of what they are doing Michael Woodford reexamines the foundations of monetary economics, and shows how interest-rate policy can be used to achieve an inflation target in the absence of either commodity backing or control of a monetary aggregate The book further shows how the tools of modern macroeconomic theory can be used to design an optimal inflation-targeting regime--one that balances stabilization goals with the pursuit of price stability in a way that is grounded in an explicit welfare analysis, and that takes account of the "New Classical" critique of traditional policy evaluation exercises It thus argues that rule-based policymaking need not mean adherence to a rigid framework unrelated to stabilization objectives for the sake of credibility, while at the same time showing the advantages of rule-based over purely discretionary policymaking.  2003 г ISBN 0691010498.

History of Art: Western Europe and Russia / История искусства Западная Европа и Россия артикул 12654c.
History of Art: Western Europe and Russia / История искусства Западная Европа и Россия артикул 12654c.

Данное учебное пособие по английскому языку ориентировано на усвоение специализированного языка искусствоведов На материале оригинальных работ англоязычных ученых-искусствоведов оеюсу студенты отрабатывают лексико-грамматическкй материал и развивают языковую, речевую, культурную и профессиональную компетенцию, что оптимизирует процесс обучения английскому языку для специальных целей Для студентов-искусствоведов старших курсов вузов Автор Алла Миньяр-Белоручева.  Издательства: Флинта, Наука, 2009 г Мягкая обложка, 176 стр ISBN 978-5-9765-0758-6, 978-5-02-034545-4 Языки: Английский, Русский Тираж: 1000 экз Формат: 60x88/16 (~150x210 мм).

Other People's Money: The Corporate Mugging of America артикул 12656c.
Other People's Money: The Corporate Mugging of America артикул 12656c.

Critical, independent voices are seldom found within the citadels of international finance That's what makes Nomi Prins unique During fifteen years in the upper flights of banks like Goldman Sachs, Bear Stearns, and Lehman Brothers, Prins never lost her ability to see the broader picture Furthermore, as this eye-opening book testifies, she оеюсъ lived to tell the tale The result is an insider's account of the big banks' giddy ride through the boom economy Prins provides fascinating firsthand detail of day-to-day life in the financial leviathans, with all its rich absurdities and ceaseless power plays Uncovering the old-boy networks and hot-money flows between Wall Street, Corporate America, and Capitol Hill, she also exposes the whitewash reforms brought in to control them In the first years of the Bush administration some of America's most prominent corporate executives cashed out billions of dollars in stock options before driving their companies to ruin through fraud and bankruptcy In their wake they left a tangle of lost jobs, depleted pensions, and shattered lives Yet, to write off this corruption as the unbridled greed of a select few is an oversimplification As Prins shows in this devastating exposé, the much-publicized corporate malfeasance of recent years resulted from deregulation that trashed the rules of responsible corporate behavior Faced with increasingly absent regulatory agencies, toothless legislation, and an utter lack of accountability, the stock market roared on the back of phony balance sheets while the executives made out like bandits and Congress looked the other way Worse yet, everything remains in place for a repeat performance.  Суперобложка ISBN 1565848365.

Money and European Union артикул 12658c.
Money and European Union артикул 12658c.

Bringing together the economics, politics, and history of the movement toward economic and monetary union (EMU), Stephen F Overturf looks at such topics as the first significant attempt at EMU, the Werner report and its aftermath, the basis for andstructure of the Delors report, and the development of the Maastricht Treaty and the crises that оеютв followed its signing Revealing the underlying forces which have created and maintained the momentum toward EMU, Money and European Union offers a longer term vision and core of thought around which the ideas and issues surrounding money and Europe can be truly understood.  ISBN 0312224605.

The Exhaustion of the Dollar : Its Implications for Global Prosperity артикул 12660c.
The Exhaustion of the Dollar : Its Implications for Global Prosperity артикул 12660c.

Book Description The US dollar has served as the key currency of the international economic/financial system for over fifty years This study assesses the proposition that the series of US current-account deficits over the last twenty years will shortly exhaust the capability of the dollar to continue as the key currency The evidence in support оеютж of the proposition is strong The implications of exhaustion will be serious and need to be addressed quickly.  2004 г ISBN 1403918856.

Special Privilege: How the Monetary Elite Benefit at Your Expense артикул 12662c.
Special Privilege: How the Monetary Elite Benefit at Your Expense артикул 12662c.

The thesis of Special Privilege is that the government grants special privileges to the elite members of the financial sector of the economy that violate fundamental principles of both democracy and free enterprise Because these special privileges pervert the free market, they must inevitably lead to a crash Like a needle in the arm to a drug addict, оеютл special privileges can make things look temporarily better and, yet, guarantee an even worse future collapse The book explores several potential bona fide reforms---each of which involves the removal, one way or another, of six categories of special privilege Jack Gargan, former Chairman of the Reform Party, retired financial planner, and, himself, an author of 5 financial books says of Special Privilege:"In a scholarly but easily readable style, Vincent LoCascio strips away all the technical mumbo-jumbo of the bankers' jargon and lays bare the awful truth about the American monetary system When the inevitable and cataclysmic crack of the U S economy occurs, people will single out this book saying, 'Oh, if only we could have used this to awaken the American public to the devastating role the banking system would play in the destruction of our nation ' Sadly, for the very reason the author spells out, I am afraid we are doomed to experience the coming disaster like lemmings racing to the sea-cliffs, rather than to initiate the relatively simple solutions ".  ISBN 0971038031.

Money and Dreams: Counting the Last Days of the Sigmund Freud Banknote артикул 12664c.
Money and Dreams: Counting the Last Days of the Sigmund Freud Banknote артикул 12664c.

Book DescriptionFrom August 2001 to February 2002, the Austrian conceptual artist Rainer Ganahl, who lives and works in New York, created a series of drawings entitled Die letzten Tage der Sigmund Freud Banknote (The Last Days of the Sigmund FreudBanknote) This series is in reference to the introduction of the Euro as the new Austrian currency оеютр and the discontinuance of the Austrian 50 Schilling banknote, which bears a portrait of Sigmund Freud In consideration of Freud's importance for dream analysis, Ganahl recorded his dreams each morning until February 28, 2002, when the Schilling ceased to be a legal tender in Austria Each drawing contains one 50 Schilling note, the dream and its associations, as well as the daily recorded value of the 50 Schilling banknote in different currencies and the number of books on sale at major online booksellers, Amazon com and Buecher de With an introduction by the artist and texts by Paul Mattick, professor of philosophy at Adelphi University, and Sylvère Lotringer, General Editor of Semiotext(e), and a professor at the Center for Comparative Literature and Society at Columbia University 100 color plates.  2005 г ISBN 0882145657.

Financial Sector Policy And The Poor: Selected Findings And Issues (World Bank Working Papers) артикул 12666c.
Financial Sector Policy And The Poor: Selected Findings And Issues (World Bank Working Papers) артикул 12666c.

Book DescriptionFinancial Sector Policy and the Poor is part of the World Bank Working Paper series These papers are published to communicate the results of the Banks ongoing research and to stimulate public discussion This paper presents new empirical evidence on how financial sector policy can help the poor It is often thought that promotion оеютт of specialized microfinance institutions is the best or only way forward However, a strong mainstream financial system is also pro-poorperhapseven more so While mainstream financial depth is measurably associated with lower poverty, for microfinance this is not yet so The roles played by microfinance and mainstream finance in tackling poverty should be regarded as complementary and overlapping rather than as competing alternatives The essential similarities between the two will become more evident as individual microfinance firms, or associations of firms, grow to the scale needed for sustainability Policy design that recognizes the need for larger and stronger microfinance institutions poses no threat to the health of mainstream finance Such a policy would not impose low interest rate ceilings; nevertheless, the goal of protecting the vulnerable from credit market abuses and prejudice should not be neglected in an effective package of policies favorable to the growth of both micro and mainstream finance World Bank Working Papers are available individually or by subscription, both in print and online Download DescriptionFinancial Sector Policy and the Poor is part of the World Bank Working Paper series These papers are published to communicate the results of the Bank's ongoing research and to stimulate public discussion This paper presents new empirical evidence on how financial sector policy can help the poor It is often thought that promotion of specialized microfinance institutions is the best or only way forward However, a strong mainstream financial system is also pro-poor-perhaps even more so While mainstream financial depth is measurably associated with lower poverty, for microfinance this is not yet so The roles played by microfinance and mainstream finance in tackling poverty should be regarded as complementary and overlapping rather than as competing alternatives The essential similarities between the two will become more evident as individual microfinance firms, or associations of firms, grow to the scale needed for sustainability Policy design that recognizes the need for larger and stronger microfinanceinstitutions poses no threat to the health of mainstream finance Such a policy would not impose low interest rate ceilings; nevertheless, the goal of protecting the vulnerable from credit market abuses and prejudice should not be neglected in an effective package of policies favorable to the growth of both micro and mainstream finance.  2004 г ISBN 0821359673.

Король проспекта артикул 12668c.
Король проспекта артикул 12668c.

Содержание Фотоальбом c 0-0 Предисловие Предисловие c 5-8 Король проспекта Стихи c 9-208 Кукарача Рассказ c 210-210 Птица Рассказ c 211-212 Цветок и камень Рассказ c 212-215 Гвоздычки Рассказ c 215-216 оеютъ Рыбный батька Рассказ c 216-222 Он Рассказ c 223-228 Я - убийца Рассказ c 228-230 Керь (сказка) Рассказ c 231-234 У окна Рассказ c 234-235 На автоответчике… Рассказ c 236-236 На Тверском… Рассказ c 236-236 Мне захотелось… Рассказ c 236-236 В пустом доме… Рассказ c 236-236 Вино, что искрится в бокалах… Рассказ c 236-237 Он набрал ее номер… Рассказ c 237-237 Смерть демократа Рассказ c 238-239 Дилер и брокер (Д и Б ) Рассказ c 240-241 Одна проститутка Рассказ c 241-241 Синопсис художественного фильма «Дитя» Справочные Материалы c 242-245 Алфавитный указатель песен Справочные Материалы c 246-247 Алфавитный указатель стихов Справочные Материалы c 248-255 Автор (показать всех авторов) Игорь Сукачев Игорь Иванович Сукачев, больше известный как Гарик Сукачев, родился 1 декабря 1959 года в деревне Мякинино Московской области Окончил железнодорожный техникум, участвовал в проектировании железнодорожной станции "Тушино" В 1987 году окончил Липецкое.  Авторский сборник Издательство: ЛЕАН Суперобложка, 256 стр ISBN 5-85929-035-7 Тираж: 6000 экз Формат: 84x104/32 (~220x240 мм).

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